We are into this Profession of Training for more than 17+ Year's. NICT Academy, We have Trained a Generation of Students with most of them Working Satisfactorily. We have Pioneered Computer Education in Dhanbad. We Provide best of the Facilities to our enrolled Students.

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Move The Mouse On Parts of Computer And Know About of Computer Parts.


it is an electronic device that performs various operations to process the data in order to achieve desired results which are generated according to the given instruction by the user. Now-a-days computers are being used in almost every work place such as banks, hospitals, railways, shopping complex etc. They play an important role in our life as they increase efficiency and very fast in accessing the information. A computer consists of four main parts: Monitor, CPU, keyboard and Mouse. The father of Computer known as Charles Babbage..


A Monitor is a standard output device. It is also known as VDU (Visual Display Unit) or Screen. Monitor is used for interactive processing, the data being fed is displayed on the screen. it resembles a television in appearance. the first monitor was introduced on 1973. Most of the Computer system uses Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) while the portable devices like Laptops and TFT Monitors uses Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) , gas plasma or other image projection technologies.


The "Central Processing Unit" or CPU is the important part of a Computer. CPU basically does everything. it strores manipulates and executes the instruction. it is known as "brain" of a computer. The functional elements of a CPU can be basically divided into three parts: Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU), Control Unit(CU), Memory Unit(Mu).


A Mouse is a hand held pointing device which is represented by a pointeron the screen. the pointer moves as the mouse is moved. A mouse consists of three buttons on its top. By Clicking the mouse button, the user gives instructions to the Computer. Some common types of mouse are two button mouse, three button, scroll mouse, optical mouse etc.


A computer Keyboard is the basic and the most common input device. keyboard looks like a typewriter machine but has several additional keys. it normally contains 101 to 106 keys. the keys can be used individually or combination with other keys. Depending on the position or placement of keys, the layout of a keyboard comes in various styles, such as QWERTY, AZERTY and DVORAK.


Speakers is an output device that converts the electrical signals into Sound wave that we hear. In speaker electric current is supplied to the magnet that pushes the core of the speaker back and forth which creates pressure and vibration in the air and that produces sound. The quality of the pitch of sound depends also on the quality of the speaker. In Computers, Speakers can be attached internally or externally. In some Computers or Laptops the Speakers are attached internally.

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